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Race day

Concentration zone mmB

Discover the Concentration Zone of the Bogota 2024 half marathon. Find all the information about activities, services and preparation for the big day

On Sunday, July 28, the day of the race, the entrance to Simón Bolívar Park will be through the following points: Street 63 in front of Parque El Salitre, Street 53 with 66a, Avenue 68 with Street 63, the pedestrian bridge of Avenue 68, and Avenue 68 with Street 53.

This year, the opening of the concentration area (events plaza of Simón Bolívar Park) will be moved forward by half an hour. Runners can enter from 6:00 a.m

Mapa Zona de concentración Parque Simón Bolivar

Map of concentration zone

Filters to access the starting lane on Street 60 will be enabled one hour before each start: 21K at 7:30 a.m. and 10K at 9:00 a.m. The roads for the Bogotá Half Marathon will be available for athletes as follows: 21K from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 10K from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Athletes are encouraged to complete the course within the established times.

The Bogotá Half Marathon will have garbage collection elements along the routes and in the concentration area, and the organization will conduct a cleaning operation before, during, and after the race. This year, runners, friends, family, spectators, journalists, and the general public can follow the performance of the mmB participants in real time, access race rankings, and share event photos thanks to the live tracking app sponsored by Samsung. The application can be downloaded for free by anyone.